Cuomo outspent Teachout by about 4500% in New York gubernatorial primary

New York includes fairly detailed expenditure disclosure requirements before an election, including a report as late as 11 days before a primary election. I looked at the direct expenditures by Andrew Cuomo since July 2013 and by challenger Zephyr Teachout. Schedule F lists expenditures for each, and Schedule L includes expenditure refunds.

By my calculations, Cuomo spent around $10,963,626.35, compared to Teachout's $243,418.51. That's good for a 45:1 ratio.

There are several caveats. First, it does not include outside expenditures by other groups or by the Democratic Party, a point of contention in this election. Second, it does not include expenditures that occurred in the last 11 days or that will be paid after the election. Third, it is expenditures, not contributions--the candidates each collected more than these amounts. And fourth, Cuomo knew he was running for governor long ago and had a longer lead in spending for the re-election campaign, which probably distorts his spending significantly. Nevertheless, he spent more than $3 million in the last couple of months alone.

His performance puts him in the 10th percentile of votes received among gubernatorial candidates seeking re-election--suggesting that money can't buy everything.
